Animal Equality Exposes the Cruel and Illegal Practices in the Slaughter of Animals Used for Milk

Animal Equality in yet another investigation exposes how cows and buffaloes used by the dairy industry are slaughtered.
Shocking scenes of cruelty and suffering were seen in a video released by Animal Equality. The organisation conducted an investigation in six slaughterhouses in Maharashtra and Kerala between October and December 2023.
Disturbing findings:
- At the slaughterhouses, the butchers fail to kill the animals in one slit. They repeatedly slit the animal’s throat resulting in severe shock
- As per law, every slaughterhouse as soon as possible shall provide a separate space for stunning of animals before slaughter, bleeding and dressing. But the killing is done in full view of each animal.
- Some meat shops in Kerala practice barbaric ‘hammer slaughter’ where the animal is repeatedly bludgeoned with a hammer on the head till the animal falls unconscious.
- Butchers milk the animals one last time right before they are slaughtered to squeeze the last bit of commercial value of the animals.

All of these practices directly violate Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960, as well as various High Court and Supreme Court orders mandating Slaughterhouse Rules 2001. Still, our investigation found these laws disregarded at every slaughterhouse we visited.
Amruta Ubale, Executive Director of Animal Equality says, “In a country like India where vegetarianism is widely known, many relate meat with cruelty and killing of animals. Through this investigation we’ve proved yet again that not only is dairy cruel to animals but how it amounts to the killing of animals, as it supplies its ‘unproductive’ animals to the beef and leather industry. These industries are not just cruel to animals but also its workers, our environment and to the consumers who drink milk which comes from cows and buffaloes pumped with hormones.”
How you can help:
By sharing our investigations, you help us expose the truth about the industry, create public awareness, and convince policymakers to change the laws to protect animals born into a cycle of abuse and suffering.
More than 192 million cows and buffaloes go through this abuse every day. You can help them by eliminating dairy products from our diet and replacing them with delicious plant-based options. Many people across the world have weaned themselves off dairy products. We don’t have to sacrifice our taste or nutrition; there are a variety of plant-based dairy options available today. All across the world, people are choosing kindness over killing already. You can, too! Visit Love Veg to learn more about plant-based diet.

A cow’s maternal instincts foster a gentle bond with her vulnerable calf. Preserve this tender relationship by choosing plant-based alternatives to dairy products.