Animal Equality has an extensive media gallery with over 20,000 photographs and hours of high-definition video of factory farm practices.
All images are copyright Animal Equality.
Please, contact us to obtain permission to use them.
Animal Equality has received international recognition for its investigations, corporate campaigns, and innovative advocacy.

Animal Charity Evaluators
Animal Equality is considered one of the most effective and impactful animal protection organizations in the world according to Animal Charity Evaluators (ACE). ACE is an independent non-profit dedicated to finding and promoting the most effective ways to help animals. Animal Equality has earned ACE’s Top Charity, its highest ranking, three out of the last four years.
Animal Equality is a Gold Level participant on GuideStar. GuideStar is the world’s largest source of information on nonprofit organizations. GuideStar provides in-depth non-profit organization profiles in order to promote more informed philanthropy. GuideStar provides information that advances transparency, enables users to make better decisions, and encourages charitable giving.

Best 360 video of German Video Awards
In June 2016, Animal Equality’s iAnimal film won the ‘Best 360° film’ by German Web Video Awards. This important award was a recognition for all the hard work our investigators have put in while filming factory farms and slaughterhouses, and a proof that animals are becoming more visible in society.
Our vision and mission
Animal Equality’s vision is a world in which all animals are respected and protected.
Animal Equality is an international organization working with society, governments, and companies to end cruelty to farmed animals.
When you make a gift to Animal Equality, you can rest assured your investment for animals is being spent in the most effective way possible. Your gift is empowering brave undercover investigators to expose animal cruelty, it’s helping develop innovative educational campaigns in eight countries, and its changing policies for animals around the world through unrivaled legal and corporate change. The graph on the left shows how we allocated our resources in 2017 in the United States. Final figures based on our 2017 audit will be provided when available.