Exposed: Cruel and Illegal Practices in pig breeding, transport and slaughter

Investigation by Animal Equality exposes the abysmal treatment meted out to pigs in the pork industry
Animal Equality conducted an investigation into pig farms, markets and slaughter of pigs in Maharashtra, Kerala, Uttar Pradesh and Jharkhand. They investigated 6 farms and 3 slaughter facilities in these states and found blatant illegalities in each case.
Findings of the investigation:
– Pigs are cruelly handled by workers.
– It is common to see bruises on pigs.
– At farms they are forced to live in filthy conditions.
– Their excrement is collected in pools in the vicinity of the farm.
– When the pigs are sold for slaughter, they are loaded onto the vehicles by hitting them.
– During the slaughter they are stabbed in the heart several times, before they die.
– As per law, animals are to be slaughtered in licensed slaughterhouses but it was observed that these pigs were slaughtered in meat shops and market areas illegally.
“In another investigation conducted in 2016 we documented how some meat shops in Kerala practise barbaric ‘hammer slaughter’ where the pig is repeatedly bludgeoned with a hammer on the head till the pig falls unconscious.”
In India it is common to see pigs on streets in certain areas of a city or village and one may assume they are stray animals who die naturally but these pigs are slaughtered for meat and this meat is consumed by the poor sections of the society. They are tied by their legs, put in bags and loaded on scooters and rickshaws before they are slaughtered at meat shops or open grounds.”
Amruta Ubale, Executive Director of Animal Equality India
What we are doing:
All these practices directly violate the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act of 1960, and various rules formed therein. Still, the study finds these laws disregarded at every facility we visited. Animal Equality has presented a list of recommendations to the government to protect animals from these abuses and requested the government to introduce rules for the welfare of pigs as it has been done for hens and chickens.
How you can help:
Animal Equality has a petition addressed to the Government of India to introduce the recommendations presented by Animal Equality to protect pigs. You can help us by signing and sharing our petition. By sharing our investigations, you help us expose the truth about the industry, create public awareness, and convince policymakers to change the laws to protect animals born into a cycle of abuse and suffering.
You can help animals by eliminating animal products from your diet and replacing them with delicious plant-based options. We don’t have to sacrifice our taste or nutrition; there are a variety of plant-based options available today. All across the world, people are choosing kindness over killing already. You can, too! Visit Love Veg to learn more about plant-based diet.

With rich emotional lives and unbreakable family bonds, farmed animals deserve to be protected. You can build a kinder world by replacing animal food products with plant-based ones.