Working with corporations to improve the lives of farmed animals.
Our focus
Corporations large and small have the power to improve the lives of farmed animals with just one policy reform. Working together we can maximize the potential effects of animal protection commitments.
Animal Equality’s corporate outreach department works with businesses to help them implement reforms that will significantly reduce the suffering of the animals by ending cruel practices.
cages for hens
Hens raised for eggs are among the most abused animals on the planet. All around the world hens face intense confinement. Most often they are kept in barren battery cages and denied the ability to live a natural life, often unable to even spread their wings.
Hens who live in caged systems face a variety of problems including osteoporosis and other bone problems, discomfort and lack of exercise, and strong physical and psychological stress. These reasons are why Animal Equality has focused its resources on working with companies to implement reforms that reduce animal suffering.

What can I do to help?
Be part of our action team taking on the world’s biggest companies and demanding change. Take small, easy, daily online actions that add up to a big difference for millions of animals. Use emails, calls, and social media to stand up for animals without ever leaving your chair.