9 years of saving animals

Today Animal Equality completes 9 years in India. We would like to thank you all for your support and each person who has been a part of this journey. 

Since its inception, Animal Equality has documented hundreds of farms, slaughterhouses, markets, etc. using the latest technology like drone and 360 degree cameras. This has resulted in nationwide investigations exposing the cruel and illegal practices into chicken, egg and dairy production. 

Documenting animal exploitation

Animal Equality’s work has been featured in top media outlets like the BBC, Times Now, NDTV, Times of India, etc. garnering the attention of millions of Indians on the horrible plight of farmed animals. 

Spreading awareness through media outlets

Animal Equality has been successful in persuading the government to pass orders to reduce the suffering of animals. Some of those significant achievements are a ban import of foie gras, a stop on transport of animals across India-Nepal border for the Gadhimai animal sacrifice and inclusion of its recommendations to reduce the suffering of chickens, hens and dairy animals.

Reducing animal suffering with government intervention

Animal Equality has successfully persuaded the top most hospitality and supermarket companies to take steps to reduce the suffering of hens. 

Getting food companies to reduce animal suffering

Animal Equality has reached thousands of people by conducting educational programs across India including Infosys, NICMAR, Cummin’s College, etc. And had collaborated with celebrities and influencers to spread awareness.

Spreading awareness among public
Spreading awareness with the help of public figures