Chicken production blatantly violates animal welfare and food safety laws
A second investigation by Animal Equality brings to light the practices followed by chicken farms that violate animal welfare and food safety standards.

What we saw
Animal Equality investigated several chicken farms and meat markets between February 2019 and October 2020 in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh and Telangana, which are known for their chicken production.

What we need
This is Animal Equality’s second investigation into chicken farms. After exposing the cruel and illegal practices on chicken farms in 2017, Animal Equality presented its finding to the government along with a list of recommendations to reduce the suffering of chickens. Animal Equality has also requested the government to:

Implement slaughter rules
As per the Food Safety and Standards (Licensing and Registration of Food businesses) Regulation, 2011, animals must be slaughtered at licensed slaughterhouses, but this is violated across the country. The unhygienic condition of meat markets also give rise to malaria, typhoid, jaundice and other diseases among residents living in the area. The Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (Slaughter House) Rules, 2001 state that animals have to be stunned prior to slaughter, which is never practiced while slaughtering chickens.
Introduce in-ovo sexing technology
Animal Equality has also requested the government to introduce in ovo sex determination technology. Male chicks are killed in disturbing ways- by grinding, drowning, burning, crushing and suffocation, or fed alive to fish. Over 180 millions chicks are killed in such a brutal manner every year. This mass unnecessary torture and killing is in direct violation of the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act.

Form a committee to monitor welfare
A committee to monitor welfare of animals should be assigned at every district and taluka level which will be working under the central animal husbandry department.